Reply To: As a member, what would you like to see on

  • HoneysGarden

    August 29, 2022 at 8:36 pm

    I don’t see it as a rant; I’m not single, but could be at any time – hubby works hard, but tires more easily these days, and in addition he’s a paraplegic . . . so everything he does has an element of added difficulty. We’re both 70 this year . . . ironically we’re fortunate to have several friends who visit almost daily, and often help with things like splitting wood; the irony is that they’re not necessarily on board with the idea that prepping is necessary! Hubby keeps his mouth shut, and I get to be the ‘crazy’ one, LOL! But I almost wish I still lived in NC, because there appears to be a very active community there – and because of Hubby, traveling to participate in events is not in the cards.