Reply To: As a member, what would you like to see on

  • Debbi

    August 27, 2022 at 11:59 pm

    I think it’s already turning into a great community center place. The comments I received regarding not having the equipment to be able to attend an upcoming event was very thoughtful. I can’t believe how many offers I got to use other cooking equipment just so my family can be involved. I said a quick thank you the other day because that day was swamped but thank you didn’t cover how touched I felt. We are seriously discussing attending but it’s not looking good because of a job situation.

    I also think this site is nice because you don’t have to spend energy convincing others of what you already know. I don’t have to convince others that the self-sufficient things that I am doing are good. I get on Freesteading and it feels free-er than any other site or brag site for that reason.

    I also like all the different topics being discussed.