Reply To: "I don't have a homestead, I live in a city"… Urban Homesteading

  • akatheweatherdsoul

    October 20, 2022 at 2:38 am

    Hi! I’m Bruce (aka The Weather’d Soul)

    I am Stoked that I found this thread because it speaks to my Suburban Farm 😅

    6500 sq ft with 1530 of that in house, fully landscaped front and back. But, I have been working a garden with 3 semi raised boxes (1) 8×6 (1) 6×6 and (1) 5×5 that shares a space of about 20’x20′.

    It has one side yard that I am trying to design as a livestock run (Chickens or Rabbits) and I use my shed as a Seed Starting workshop and area for over-wintering my peppers (current experiment).

    The entertainment part of the back yard has slowly been becoming a edible container garden with every bare spot of soil reclaimed as valuable vegetable growing area.

    I have a 300 gallon pond that I have recently started a broccoli plant in a large Terrcotta pot and hoping the ecosystem and fish do their job (so far/so good).

    We (my wife and I) compost everything except cooked food, but looking forward to using that as feed for our future livestock.

    We compost in DIY pallet compost frames, I have problems keeping them up to heat, but learning more every day.

    Hope to learn more here and in other communities!!!

    I also have a podcast tracking my efforts in making this my Suburban Homestead