Reply To: What do you envision for Freesteading?

  • Ken.l.wells

    August 22, 2022 at 6:08 pm

    I am looking for several things. Here’s a non-exhaustive list:

    1. a network with knowledgeable people who have real-world experience (Unlike many facebook groups where you get armchair homesteaders saying that xyz will kill said livestock because of what they heard on a non-credible youtube channel)

    1.a. livestock-specific groups
    1.b. crop-specific groups
    1.c. DIY project specific groups (rainwater collection, earthworks, structures, etc split into their own specialized forums)

    2. a network in my general region with whom I can barter/trade/support (replace facebook marketplace and craigslist).

    3. Scheduling/Team-work features. This ties into the local network, but with the idea that it will allow for projects. There would be the ability to create tasks that can be assigned to people with allowance to have progress reports. This would be useful for neighborhood co-ops where there is a splitting of who raises which animals, grows which crops, etc.