House in Order

  • Squeeze

    September 29, 2022 at 3:00 pm

    Its getting bad fast, and its going to get a lot worse before it gets better

  • Stpdsteve

    September 29, 2022 at 3:17 pm

    I think there’s several meanings. Your physical house, people, and spiritual. Not sure which ones they are talking about though.

  • BiggKidd

    September 29, 2022 at 3:18 pm

    It means get all your ducks in a row ASAP. Get prepared to go without being able to buy anything possibly for years to come. Make sure you have shelter and if possible backup shelter with supplies stored in more than one place. To put it short and sweet if you don’t have it when the balloon goes up you more than likely never will!

  • CrazyDazes

    September 30, 2022 at 11:38 am

    Forus, #1 to know about your spiritual eternity. #2 know you can provide and keep your family fed and safe #3 make provisions for an extended community

  • ContentedLady

    October 1, 2022 at 1:27 pm

    Good answers. Having your spiritual life in order will bring you the peace to deal with all the rest. An example of how things are changing. I got on line to start Christmas shopping. All I wanted to do today was buy my husband his boring blue chambray workshirts. On Amazon, I could only buy one at a time. Why are things limited? Supplies will definitely be low in the near future. If you have the means, please stock up on things other than food also. I even purchased lengths of material that I don’t plan on using any time soon, canning lids out the behind, and ordinary things that I use every day.

    • PWDOhioRaptureReady

      November 29, 2022 at 2:02 am

      We have a lot of fabrics because my husband quilts. We might end up walking around resembling a quilt but at least it’s fabric!

      I have started losing weight and because I had so many sizes stored in a closet that got filled up, my husband convinced me to give them to charity, thinking I would never get into the smaller sizes again..wrong! Now I have dropped 3 sizes and had to buy some new pants….they are now about $50 a pair unless you can find them local on sale (which I did). I used to buy via catalog but didn’t like the prices for the clothes and for shipping and if these didn’t fit I would have to pay to ship them back!

      I hear JoAnn’s Fabrics are closing in some areas!

      You are right, there is much besides food we should be stocking up on. I got some heavy socks at Costco today. I actually saw they had heated socks, they were $69!!!

      I keep thinking we need to get more sawdust and such for composting toilets, we live in the city now on 3/4 acre and if sewage plants stop working, we are all in deep trouble.

    • PWDOhioRaptureReady

      November 29, 2022 at 2:07 am

      Grab up some of those Tattler reusable plastic lids, they are great! I do so much vacuum sealing of jars that I need to save a good number of tin lids for vacuum sealing.

  • PWDOhioRaptureReady

    November 29, 2022 at 1:53 am

    It means the SHTF day is almost here! Prepare!

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