Reply To: What did you work on this weekend?

  • CarolinaCarefree

    October 10, 2022 at 12:38 pm

    WWorked one finding property lines and the storage building site. Finally laid out the building, cleared some brush and small trees, and may have found the third of the four corners. Not sure if it just a boundary marker or a corner. Did not find the iron post, but did not have a metal detector. So I know where the marker is and will try again next week to find the post.

    MOST EXCITING part, I spent time with my youngest daughter. She actually gave up her phone time to be on the land with me! She is the one that saw the marker first. She also learned to chop a small tree with an axe.

    Since I work during the week, I don’t get a lot of time then, but next weekend start setting blocks and getting materials for building. Also my wife wants to go camping there next weekend to see what else we may need. Having a great time watching the family come back together.