Reply To: just got an allotment plot [also my online diary of this new chapter]

  • gods-child

    February 18, 2023 at 12:13 am

    thank you

    and yes and thank our true almighty creator for his timing

    as one door opens many more will open too and all in our true almighty creators timing

    the main problem getting allotments in my area and county is that those who organise the list of waitees are not managing it properly and the increased wait times are two [2] years to goodness knows when they contact a waitee to let them know a plot is available

    i found by going to an allotment in the flesh and chatting to the allotmenteers i was able to jump the queue for instant on the day agreement for the plot

    i truly bless this time and all who was able to help me get this plot by bending the rules to make it happen
