Reply To: Burpee Flexible Seed Starting Tray

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    February 17, 2023 at 6:14 pm

    I ordered mine from Amazon (they are a bit cheaper there). They are made of Ultra-Durable, Top-Quality BPA Free Plastic. Recyclable injection molded Polypropylene (PP #5) leach-resistant plastic with no harmful additives. They also have a 2 yr warranty against breakage.

    Been meaning to send you a note but as usual, not a lot of time between here and going to my sisters. Did you get the land? Would love to have you as a neighbor up the road!! I will be starting a bunch of elderberry & fig cutting soon, when I get the garden planted. I’ve already got potatoes up about 10-12 inches, got garlic up about a foot tall and onions planted. Got to cover the potatoes just in case we do dip below freezing and/or have a frost tonight. Haven’t checked to see how long the wind is supposed to be up. As long as we have a wind, won’t have a frost. We’ll get together and I can show you how to root cuttings. Easy peasy!