Reply To: Taters from Seed (not seed potatoes)

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    February 13, 2023 at 5:43 am

    Very interesting project! I was just reading today about determinate & indeterminate varieties of potatoes. The info even spoke about planting potato seeds and even tho you may plant a determinate variety potato seed, it may end up being indeterminate or may not produce at all.

    When a potato plant blooms & potato cherries form (looks like clusters of small cherry tomatoes ABOVE ground on the plant), the little seeds can germinate, and you get a potato plant growing – you may think it came from a seed potato tuber you planted, but it is actually an entirely new cultivar that came from a seed!

    Here is the article I read in case you are interested in reading it, too. But I imagine you already know all about this process since you are well-versed & knowledgeable in the propagation of many plants/trees. But I found it to be a very interesting read and something I did not know!

    Do keep us posted on this project. I LOVE experimenting with different ways to grow & propagate all kinds of trees & plants! Good Luck!!