Reply To: Solution for Squirrels Ravaging the Garden

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    February 9, 2023 at 9:57 pm

    If you are going to make the same concept for the squirrel bait station, you wouldn’t need any of the bolts, nuts, washers, or rat bait since you’re going to make your own with oats & Plaster of Paris. The squirrel baiter would be turned upright to look like a “T” and no hole is needed in the end cap. You could use wire or the metal strapping to secure it where you wish to put it. Not sure I would use a 2 ft section for the feeder, either. That is a long way for them to try to get to the bait. and what if they couldn’t back out. That is just my opinion. You could also glue the end cap & side sections on. Don’t glue the feeder section to the “T” so you can detach it to refill.