Reply To: Solution for Squirrels Ravaging the Garden

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    February 9, 2023 at 4:08 am

    I have used this same concept for a WOOD RAT bait station. The only difference in this bait station & the one you referenced is the “T” is sitting on the ground (imagine an upside down “T”). You drill a hole in the end cap & put a long bolt with a washer on the head end. You then stack the rat bait cubes (like Tom Cat or similar brand) on the bolt that sits on the washer that would be in the center of the “T” so rats could access the bait from both sides. When the rats eat the bait, the next one drops down. You attach the end of the bolt to the end cap with a nut. The rats will enter either side of the inverted “T”, eat their fill of the poison then go off to die. It is best to try not to have any water source around that would be convenient for the rats to get to. It does work but rats tend to multiply rapidly so you have to be consistently adding the rat bait to the bait stations (especially if you live in the woods, like I do).
    I know this may sound CRUEL to some people but if you have ever dealt with wood rats on a homestead, they can be more destructive than a squirrel. They also get in your chicken coops to try to scavage any left over grains/feeds AND they will attract SNAKES to your coop that steal your eggs or worse, eat chicks and TRY to eat any hens that try to attack them.

    I don’t understand why this bait station for squirrels has to be 2 ft wide & 2 ft tall. I’m assuming you would have to add 2-inch PVC pipe (approx 1ft to each side) of the 2-inch “T” to make it 2 ft wide? Then add a 2 ft piece of PVC to the center of the “T” to make it 2 ft tall???? I could see adding some length to the two ends to support the length of a squirrel but once they entered the pipe, the bait would be right there for them to eat. I can’t see them going down yet another pipe 2 ft long to reach the bait. Maybe add a 6 inch piece of PVC pipe and cap it off so it would hold the “CUP” of bait, but 2 ft?

    I think I’m going to take the DANNY APPROACH and play Annie Oakley a few mornings/evenings. At least I would know they wouldn’t suffer & it would be quick & over with. But of course I understand you can’t use that approach where you live.