Reply To: Discouraging crows in the garden

  • Mud

    October 22, 2022 at 4:27 pm

    Yep, crows and ravens do not like light reflective moving objects like pinwheels, CDs hanging off fishing line works well also, i think the open center mimics a predators eye?

    I had a raven the size of a bald eagle steal potato seeds out of my garden the 1st year. I made a deal with him and started giving him hard boiled eggs. Now he tells me when heavy rain is coming the day before, and protects my chickens from other birds of prey. I think he’s the leader of the local group and none of the other ravens have attempted to take food from my garden after we made friends.

    But I doubt this strategy would work for a fruit tree orchard. I remember watching a large walnut tree get absolutely emptied of nuts within 2 days time by crows. Maybe adding some sticky aluminum tape to parts of the tree would also be discouraging…