What kind of orgy is going on under my comfrey???
What kind of orgy is going on under my comfrey???
I have a new garden bed that doesn’t have a lot going on in it right now. However, I did have three young comfrey in the ground before the winter set in. One of them, I found completely ravaged from the inside out by a colony of small black ants. I’m still holding my breath on that one coming back. The other two lost their big leaves in the freeze but have since put out plenty of new growth. I’m starting to do bed prep for the coming spring and I found one of the remaining comfrey being swarmed by the same black ants. Upon closer inspection, I find an alarming amount of unidentifiable bugs and eggs. I’m not sure if the ants are eating them or protecting them. I don’t want to loose another comfrey or other young plants when it comes time to transplant from the greenhouse. What can I do?
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