Market garden for children in Kindergarten and school, what would parents wish?

  • Market garden for children in Kindergarten and school, what would parents wish?

    Posted by JerseyGiantChick on September 9, 2022 at 3:46 pm

    After years seed saving for gene banks, we are starting a new project for children in Kindergarten and school.

    The vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and flowers that are not for seed saving, will go to Kindergarten and school. So they have their snack and warm meal with fresh produce.

    We work together with a other organization, so the gardening will be a therapy for the people that live there. They also get fresh produce for there Kitchen. And let us not forget ourselves, if in time we can produce enough the possibility buying. But that last one is a some time from now.

    Our question is, what would your wishes be if your children could experience a project like this? We really would like a save place for the children, to experience gardening and learning to grow their own food.

    JerseyGiantChick replied 2 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Canningnana

    September 9, 2022 at 6:17 pm

    teaching children gardening is a great idea. Wish I had done that with my children & grandkids

  • Grow

    September 11, 2022 at 10:39 pm

    I so wish that my grandsons school would start a garden! They have so much available garden space and it’s a shame that it is sitting empty ! Tomorrow is a day of celebrating Grandparents at his school and I plan on seeking out the HeadMaster to discuss this with her. I will be praying for a positive outcome. Please join me in prayer. Thanking you in advance!

    Asher’s Dah

    • JerseyGiantChick

      September 12, 2022 at 5:00 am

      Wish you good luck, hope you succeed in getting them to grow crops at school. So all children can learn how to crow there own food.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    September 14, 2022 at 9:45 am

    Thank you for your information, sounds like a educational program for the children. Hopefully more to come for years.

    I am aware that they can be picky eaters, our son is not he eats all he can raw and cooked but he crow up with fresh home cooked food. Sadly most children do not even know all fresh produce and not tasted vegetables or fruit. Fast food and factory food, that is why they are picky.

    We got all kinds of shapes, colors and taste, easy to crow for children. And can take from the market garden produce. Also growing in small spaces like pottery, buckets, bags and containers, so they can take plants with them and grow at there Kindergarten, school and home.

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