just got an allotment plot [also my online diary of this new chapter]
just got an allotment plot [also my online diary of this new chapter]
i just got a small plot of land for a small garden in a community setting but i have my own little section of land to use, which i am very eggcited about as it already has both a chicken and a duck coop ready to use [it will be while before i get chickens maybe six [6] months to a year] as main crops take precedence then adequate fencing to allow them to be free range and with no-income this will be a challenge
i have some work to do in clearing the plot from overgrowth and what the guy left there in way of mostly vegetation which can be turned into compost and a fair bit of rubbish to clear
there is a raised bed with no soil at the moment and going to fill that up the permaculture way with dead-fall branches from in the nearby woods and going to grow strawberries and complimentary plants for strawberries [i will be taking cuttings from local wild strawberries]
there are apple and plum trees which apparently yield great crops
the few folk i met thus far seem laid back and easy to get ton with
onwards and upwards for this new chapter in my life
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