just got an allotment plot [also my online diary of this new chapter]

  • just got an allotment plot [also my online diary of this new chapter]

    Posted by gods-child on February 17, 2023 at 11:56 pm

    i just got a small plot of land for a small garden in a community setting but i have my own little section of land to use, which i am very eggcited about as it already has both a chicken and a duck coop ready to use [it will be while before i get chickens maybe six [6] months to a year] as main crops take precedence then adequate fencing to allow them to be free range and with no-income this will be a challenge

    i have some work to do in clearing the plot from overgrowth and what the guy left there in way of mostly vegetation which can be turned into compost and a fair bit of rubbish to clear

    there is a raised bed with no soil at the moment and going to fill that up the permaculture way with dead-fall branches from in the nearby woods and going to grow strawberries and complimentary plants for strawberries [i will be taking cuttings from local wild strawberries]

    there are apple and plum trees which apparently yield great crops

    the few folk i met thus far seem laid back and easy to get ton with

    onwards and upwards for this new chapter in my life


    Private_Cluck replied 1 year, 8 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies

    February 17, 2023 at 11:59 pm

    At least you got something. Start with that and who knows you might meet someone who needs help with their land and share it with you.

    • gods-child

      February 18, 2023 at 12:13 am

      thank you

      and yes and thank our true almighty creator for his timing

      as one door opens many more will open too and all in our true almighty creators timing

      the main problem getting allotments in my area and county is that those who organise the list of waitees are not managing it properly and the increased wait times are two [2] years to goodness knows when they contact a waitee to let them know a plot is available

      i found by going to an allotment in the flesh and chatting to the allotmenteers i was able to jump the queue for instant on the day agreement for the plot

      i truly bless this time and all who was able to help me get this plot by bending the rules to make it happen



        February 18, 2023 at 12:27 am

        That’s great, best of luck and keep us updated on your progress of the garden.

      • gods-child

        February 18, 2023 at 12:32 am

        thank you

        will do as i remember to do so


  • gods-child

    February 20, 2023 at 4:15 am

    i have two [2] pair of hand hedge-shears that just need sharpening which i rescued from kerbside some two [2] years ago put to the side and forgot about them and just dug them out of the cupboard

    i am going to sharpen both pair keep one [1] for my needs and donate the other to the allotment tools for sharing in the allotment community


  • Squashmania

    April 12, 2023 at 8:47 pm

    Square foot garden like there’s no mañana. You will be shocked at what having a succession plan and a good fertilizer routine can produce.

    Tickle the earth with a hoe, and she laughs with plants.

    • Private_Cluck

      April 13, 2023 at 12:37 am

      We use the square foot gardening method in our garden raised beds for a lot of our vegetables. We canned 85 pints of carrots from one of our 4 ft x 16 ft raised beds last week. Just finished planting green beans and recently planted corn using this method. Will be using this method for our okra. Last year in a raised bed of okra, we were harvesting about 1 gal per day. Proper feeding and watering can produce quite a good yield in a small area.

      • Squashmania

        April 13, 2023 at 11:23 pm

        Holy minestrone! You’re making the most of every inch of soil!

        I want to grow carrots! I can grow most everything except carrots and parsnips, which of course, are my favorites! 🥴

      • Private_Cluck

        April 13, 2023 at 11:46 pm

        As for most root crops, carrots require deep fluffy soil and lots of phosphorus. For our 4×16 beds, I apply about 4-5 quarts of bone meal, maybe 1/2-3/4 cup of Epsom salt, and about 5-7 quarts of Microlife 6-2-4 general purpose pelleted fertilizer in the bed before sowing the seeds. We have drip irrigation on a timer to auto-water the bed every day. We are in zone 8b and plant carrots in October/November for harvest in early spring.

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