Reply To: how to store uncooked rice

  • MartHale7

    August 27, 2024 at 3:39 pm

    I live in Florida, and I also have high humidity to deal with. I tried storing corn in 55 gal barrels and when I checked it, it was moldy and I had to throw it out 🙁

    After doing that, I discovered that vacuum sealing prevents this, I have have stored oatmeal, rice beans with this method for about 3 -4 years with zero problems, as well as whole grain wheat and barley.

    I like 1 gal vacuum seal bags like this ->

    ( with rice because of the sharp edges I use the lunch bags because of the sharp corners on the rice which can poke thru the bags as shown in this video )

    Or I reuse glass jars like this ->

    Then after you have done this, I have moved to bury the food in 55 gal barrels underground. The reason for this is the ground temp does not heat up that much as if stored in my home, and the food is protected against rodents, theft, and heat, as it would be stored in my home and the power went off… The testing I have done with this so far is very promising.