Reply To: Water and Air are Vital

  • Thy-abundance

    February 22, 2023 at 4:56 am

    I agree with all you’ve expressed.

    As I become wiser and stronger in my Fathers wisdom and strength in my own years.

    I find myself as so few could say…”I have lived my life on paradise on earth and shall spend my greatest forever eternity in paradise in heaven with my Heavenly Father” well maybe others call there place Paradise also.

    🎶What a day of rejoicing that will be🎵

    So I press in daily trusting hoping and listening for His comforting voice and His caring guiding hand to show me His way.

    Wherever my heart is so is His Will.

    God bless

    Lord keep you and guid you on your journey also my friend

    All is well with my soul
