Reply To: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    February 18, 2023 at 3:40 am

    That was the general consensus of most of the people uploading YouTube videos about it. Even thos some of the larger channel creators had 100’s of comments reporting their chickens had been laying and then just completely stopped. We KNEW about the NORMAL slow down of egg laying during the winter, shorter days, etc., and we were literally being made fun of with other people commenting that their chickens were laying fine, but they were NOT using the Tractor Supply/Purina Producers Pride or Dumor Chicken Feed.
    Not sure if you read all of the many posts but I was a victim of my 32 hens that were laying even during the Christmas Freeze. I had been to TSC to pick up heat lamps, heat bulbs, extra bedding for my chickens and my normal feed store was already closed so I picked up a couple of bags to get me thru the freeze, not knowing how bad it was going to be for us here in coastal AL where we NEVER get cold weather like we had. I knew I was at the bottom of my feed bin so while I was as TSC I got those two bags of feed. Then 2 days later they stopped laying completely. I was getting 2 dozen a day (which was normal for the shorter days for my chickens) AND my chickens were all NEW STOCK I had gotten 10 months earlier so it wasn’t their age, they were not molting nor had been…NOTHING unusual except changing to that TSC feed. No clue it was the feed that caused it til about a month later in January when they still weren’t laying & then I started seeing reports all over social media about THAT FEED! I commented of several of the YouTube channels to make sure MY VOICE was heard and I’ve raised chickens for YEARS so I was not a newbie, I knew laying habits for that time of year. But I STILL got harrassed & ridiculed, along with many other commenters that reported the same thing. It beat all I had ever seen
    I found out that Mike Adams, Health Ranger with Natural News & Brighteon platform had heard about it and had gotten 6 different kinds of TSC feed and was testing them all in his own independent lab. He reported this on Jan 28th. I have seen one report where he found higher than normal levels of glysophate (Roundup) in the Producers Pride feed. He did other tests for mold & other nutritive analysis but he has yet to submit his findings as he has been on top of covering the catastrophic even in Ohio with the chemical spill. So I check his Telegram Channel EVERY DAY to see if he’s released his findings and as of today, still nothing but he has stated he was done with the testing in another video yesterday & was getting ready to release the results. So much EVIL is happening in this country right now I don’t know what to think anymore. And as you said, what better way to cover up a deliberate act of WHATEVER they put in the feed that to have it happen when chickens normally slow down or stop laying for the winter.
    I hope we know something soon so we can all put this mess to rest and go on about our lives.
    I believe there may have been different levels of whatever was put in the feed because some people changed feed and were even feeding their chickens cat food & goat feed and they started back laying within a few days. Mine STILL have not started laying and I’ve had mine on GAME BIRD FEED (HIGH protein levels) along with feeding extra protein, table scraps, greens & other things but NOTHING, not one egg. There are still others that had not started laying, like mine so it will be interesting to know what is going on. I did buy 15 new chicks last week, JUST IN CASE mine are forever sterile from laying. I heard they were getting ready to stop businesses from selling chicks and no transporting them across state lines…like those that buy from online hatcheries. If mine do start back laying I had intended to get out my incubators and start incubating eggs to have more chicks for myself and for others that need them for eggs once they grow up. I had to pay almost $5 each for the chicks last week when I only paid $2 for them last spring. I was at the feed/seed store 30 min after the chicks were delivered and there may have been 20 left when I bought mine out of a 300 chick order they received. PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP!!