Reply To: Long term food storage..

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    February 15, 2023 at 2:45 pm

    @Marthale7 I’ve done lots of bananas, too! Great nutritious snack! I even have BEAUTIFUL orange & grapefruit slices that look almost like the real thing once dehydrated.
    I found a lions mane ‘shroom growing on one of my trees in the woods. Only found that one but I keep looking every year for more.
    I have tons of Turkey Tail mushrooms that grow prolifically here since I have a lot of hardwoods in my 40 acres of woods. I air dry them once I clean them and WHEN I HAVE TIME plan to make some medicinal tinctures with them. It is a 2 step process but Turkey Tails have so many medicinal properties for so many different ailments, I don’t dare expose them to heat in the dehydrators. I have window screens I air dry them on and it doesn’t take too long for them to dry.
    I have also found motherlodes of Chanterelle mushrooms here. Last fall I gathered buckets of them. We had a drought last summer & excessive heat wave. When we finally had several days of good rain, the Chanterelles started popping up EVERYWHERE. They are so tasty to cook with some butter, onions & fresh garlic. Here is a picture of ONE collander full after I cleaned/washed them. This is just one collander full of MANY I picked. I dehydrated them & vacuum sealed in half gallon canning jars with O2 & moisture absorbers. You do know that you can use a (vehicle) brake bleeder as a vacuum sealer when grid down occurs? I also bought a newer hand pump vacuum sealer. Link attached in case you’re interested in checking it out.