Reply To: Long term food storage..


    February 12, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Your dog definitely had a bad reaction. When the dog i had got his first vaccinations they called it a cocktail alot of shots at once he almost died. His head swelled up like a basketball and i had to rush him to an emergency vet about 45 miles away. I was so mad at the vet. They didn’t charge me for the next few visits. I told him i didn’t want anymore vax for him. So the only one i got him to take for the next 11 years was the rabies one because it was state law. He was always slow and sluggish after rabies vax. We had pets growing up that never had any vax and they were just fine. We fed table scraps too and they were happy just to be with us. I think they are just pushing big pharma greed for profit.