Reply To: What is coming?

  • HilltopHomeplace

    August 30, 2022 at 5:29 am

    StrongAsOak, this is just my opinion, but I believe there is ample information and data widely available for anyone who seeks it to make informed decisions about how to proceed in navigating this corrupt and uncertain world. Discernment is the responsibility of each person and especially a parent and we must use that gift everyday. While I get curious as well when I feel I don’t know the whole story about something, I also realize it’s not my story to tell. It’s Danny’s story, and I believe his heart wants to shout from the rooftop, but his discernment causes him to realize the fear and distress it will cause. I say that because he’s said that and I agree. Other people I trust very much are doing much the same. Brilliant political strategists and financial experts, when asked lately about the outlook for the future, are not giving analytical answers. They’re saying things like “get right with God”, “buy what you think you’ll need for the next two years right now”, “keep your family close”, etc. Out of love and compassion they don’t tell us everything they know, but by answering in the way they’re answering—THEY ARE TELLING US. Danny tells us this every time he implores us to grow food, preserve food, learn to live off the grid, learn to protect your property. He is not a privileged insider. He is a person who has had confidential and frightening information passed onto him and who is suffering out of love for us by knowing that information. You say you mean no harm by asking him about this information, but used a third person passive aggressive post to ask for it. I’m asking you to let it go. Seek your answers in prayer, and prepare your family as God tells you to, then enjoy every moment you can.

    These are my only words. I won’t comment on this further. I wish you and everyone Christ’s Peace.