Reply To: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    February 4, 2023 at 5:28 am

    I was reading some comments on Homestead Hearts video on their YT about their chickens not laying due to the TSC questionable feed. This could be one proof it is the PROTEIN levels in the current feed causing the problem. I’ve replied to the person asking if she could contact her sisters friend to see if she would send me the report to share with others. Fingers crossed it will happen!

    “A friend of my sister’s raises chickens, and she had the same problem with Dumor and Producers Pride. The hens completely stopped laying. She changed the feed and sent samples to our local county extension office, who then forwarded the samples to the University of Florida for testing. They determined that the feed had LESS THAN HALF THE PROTEIN STATED ON THE BAG. She said that if enough people take their feed to get tested and get the same results, then a class action lawsuit would be possible.”