Reply To: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.
There are a lot of comments & replies in this discussion and I understand not being able to review them all.
I am a victim of this supposed tainted TSC feed debacle. I have 32 hens less than a yr old that had been laying prolifically, even up to the Christmas Freeze. They even laid DURING the freeze as I had gathered a dozen or more frozen eggs. I was feeding them feed bought from our local Feed/Seed store. Right before the freeze, I was in town picking up supplies at TSC for my animals & homestead (spare heat lamps/bulbs, styrofoam spigot covers, pipe wrap, bedding, etc.) and my car broke down. By the time my friend got to town, and repaired my car (in TSC parking lot), it was too late to get my normal layer pellets from my local feed/seed store as they were already closed. I had no choice but to go back inside TSC to purchase layer pellets as I was at the bottom of the barrel & didn’t know if I would be able to return to town the next day (given the freeze was upon us). I live 30+ min from town. I fed my chickens the TSC Producers Pride layer pellets and within a day or so they stopped laying completely. I thought it may be due to the fact that we had single-digit wind chill temps & never got above freezing for 3-4 days. I live in zone 8b, coastal AL so this was a rare weather event for our area. Chickens continued to be fed TSC feed and even when temps returned to our normal 60-70(F) temps, they still were not laying. Not one egg. Then I read about the TSC feed causing chickens to STOP laying eggs. As time progressed and I began seeing YT’s of the same happening with other people & in the comment section even MORE reports of others having the same problem, I realized earlier this week that I had ALSO been feeding this same feed in question. I have changed their feed back to their normal feed as well as giving them cooked rice & dry cat food as others had done to get their chickens to start laying again. I’ve not had any eggs YET, but I’m in hopes they will begin any day now.Even a well known YT homestead channel, Homestead Heart, experienced the same problem with ALL their chickens stopping laying eggs and even posted a YT to report it to their viewers.
Many theories have surfaced about the low-quality protein (or a lower protein level) being used as well as possibly no beneficial amino acids needed for egg production being in the feed-Lysine & Methionine. These amino acids are present in rice, dry beans, pasta-Lysine, and Methionine present in cat food along with it being a much higher protein level which could possibly confirm the fact of the feed in question lacking those amino acids & protein level by that feeding cooked rice/cat food jump-starting the hens laying eggs again. I also found out that Lysine is in short supply in the US as Russia stopped exporting it to the US in 2021 thus causing a nationwide shortage here.
Mike Adams, Health Ranger, of Natural News-Brighteon, owns an independent lab and has obtained these PURINA PRODUCED TSC feeds and is in the process of testing these feeds as of January 28th. He has not reported any findings as of this morning when I checked.
Doug & Stacy with Off Grid Living has also reported on this being a problem with lots of their viewers. There is other videos listed in this discussion of a possible scandal in process with Purina and the US’s largest egg producer to gain a monopoly of egg production. Nothing solid has yet been proven of any of the SUSPICIONS of the TSC feed or Purina Scandal.
I ALSO posed the question here in this discussion about the possibility of it also affecting the roosters fertility. Of course, if there are no eggs being produced by the hens fed this feed in question, there is no way yet to know if it has also affected the roosters or if any of the other feeds out there have affected rooster’s fertility.
Most all of us chicken owners know our chickens will slow egg production either during/after a molt, shorter days & excessive cold but not completely STOP for weeks, some even have stopped for a couple of months or longer that were feeding the TSC feed in question.
Most have corrected their hen’s cessation of egg production by either changing feed and/or supplementing with rice/dry beans/pasta & cat food/goat feed. I am also waiting to see if this corrects my hens to begin laying again.
And to add another twist in tampering with poultry & other animal feed, I found during my own research of this TSC feed debacle that Pfizer had been adding an organic ARSENIC to the feed (supposedly for parasitic control) that was supposed to be dispersed/eliminated but was staying in the meat of the chicken as an INORGANIC arsenic that was deemed & proven to be a human carcinogen causing a rise in bladder & lung cancer. I included reports from NIH, FDA, Pfizer, Food Safety Alerts & others to support this finding that dated back to 1944 with the onset of the use of this arsenic. They were finally ordered by the courts to remove it from use in the US effective July 2022. But with the years of testing & litigation, I can only “ASSUME” this gave Pfizer time enough to pull this arsenic from the market, reformulate it & reintroduce it for use under a NEW NAME. I didn’t research that any further due to time constraints.
Hope all of this will help you understand our concerns and to let you know we do understand hens do slow down egg laying in shorter days and excessive cold or during/after a molting. This problem is much greater than those indicators. Also, there was another report that surfaced in the last couple of days where chicken egg yolks had been studied to stop covid & its mutation to other variants. It is also reported here in this discussion.
Maybe someday we will find the truth behind all of this evil but in the meantime, we were all concerned about getting our hens healthy again to resume laying eggs.