Reply To: What is coming?

  • StrongAsOak

    August 30, 2022 at 4:21 am

    I am not asking or leaning on Danny for all the answers. I am asking for more insight to specific things he mentioned but did not elaborate on, so that I can also take these things to the Father and ask for wisdom/direction, as well as research things myself. All of this is to take the information presented, and make my own decision, not just take someone else’s word.

    I, as most of you, are well aware of all the corruption, lies, and garbage with a vast majority of our “leaders”, WEF, agenda 2030, etc. We are currently living in a depraved mind society that Romans 1 described.

    He is on a public forum and speaks as a valued member of the body. But by saying in multiple videos “something is coming”, but then not elaborating on that topic, actually creates more fear because I am left wondering what he is taking about, and what could actually happen. It also makes me feel like he has “inside” information that we aren’t allowed to know, or that he is somehow more spiritually privileged than I to receive such insight.

    Again i want to be clear that this is not an attack, I completely understand that there are many things he can’t say on YT. That’s why I am asking here. I believe he has great wisdom. I truly value his thoughts and willingness to discuss things that even churches don’t. I am just asking for more specifics on these particular topics so I can do my own due diligence.

    More information will allow us to take that word and test the spirits. All helping to discuss, build a community, be on one accord, prepare, and be ready. Also gives us a specific target to pray at, to thwart the enemies plans.