Reply To: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    February 2, 2023 at 12:19 am

    @Summerhat-n-Chicks Glad I’m not the only one thinking this could happen. We know what is going on and the plans for total control of everyone in every aspect of their lives. They surely wouldn’t create just ONE PROBLEM that could be figured out & resolved without having something else to even FURTHER their intentions. These people are SMART be we have to be a step ahead of them at all times. I had already planned to check for the bullseye when they start laying again. Was going to pull the eggs my broody hen had been sitting on but never got outside this afternoon. Will do that in the morning to see if they have an embryo or just rotten yolks.
    I’ve got 12 Buff Orphington pullets reserved to pick up Friday at our local Feed/Seed store. I’m friends with the owner and she is going to hold me 12 back as she fears they will be sold out as soon as they get them out for sale. I know I don’t need any more mouths to feed but I figure I can raise them for eggs and sell them to help cover the cost of feed. I’m also going to start making my own if I can find a co-op around my area. Not trusting ANY commerically made feed anymore. Once I can get some grains grown, I will just use what I can grow. Expanding my chicken area, too, so they can have room to forage, too, so they will help with feed cost, too. Just another project to do but a much NEEDED decision to curb needed feed.