Reply To: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    February 1, 2023 at 7:38 pm

    With all the talk of our “HENS” not laying eggs due to this highly debated feed debacle, I wonder if our roosters are still fertile or if are they shooting blanks? Just wondering as my broody hen was sitting on a clutch of eggs and it has been well over 30 days and NOTHING has happened. Guess I need to crack open some of those eggs to see if there are embryos or just rotten yokes inside. Just saying.
    Has anybody had chicks hatched that were feeding their chickens/roo’s the questionable feed? Has anyone incubated any eggs (maybe not if none were laid) but maybe they got a few during their initial slow-down period to incubate? Just curious.
    If the powers that be have actually caused the cessation of egg laying with this feed, who is to say they haven’t included something to prevent roo’s from fertilizing the eggs to stop the reproduction cycle for private citizens/small businesses chickens? No fertile roo’s, no chicks, no future hens to lay eggs.
    Would be kind of hard at this point to prove this since no hens have been laying but something to think about. Not trying to stir another hornets nest but something to look for when the hens start laying again. Saying they tainted or lacked crucial ingredients in some brands of feed, who’s to say they haven’t done the same with other brands to cause sterilization in the roo’s when people swap feeds?? I know, why worry about something that hasn’t happened yet…but my gut & brain are warning me that this could be an issue down the road.