Reply To: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    January 31, 2023 at 11:27 pm

    There seems to be a problem with the poor quality of grains used and lack of 2 crucial amino acids needed for egg production. Lysine & Methionine. Lysine is found in rice, beans, pasta and Methionine in cat food. The reports I have seen where people were feeding their chickens rice/beans/pasta and catfood or even goat feed has given them what they were lacking in the questionable feed being fed so egg production resumed.

    Regardless of what the cause was or what company made or sold the feed, I want a solution to fix the problem with my chickens not laying. I will also refrain from using those brands of feed and will begin making my own as it seems a lot of problems have & will continue to arise with commercially processed feeds. Just another reason for us all to become a bit more self-sufficient/sustainable and go back to the old ways that worked with our ancestors than becoming so dependent on “convenience” & store-bought products.