Reply To: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    January 30, 2023 at 6:59 pm

    Yes, I read about the fire at Hollandale Farm, one of the US largest egg-producing farms. Killed 100,000K chickens.

    Reports I’ve also read about the quality of the chicken feed debacle is due to poor quality grains being used (POOR proteins lowering the required daily %’s amounts chickens need for egg production) AND the feed(s) that are in question have little to no Lysine & Methionine which are essential amino acids found in meat, fish, and dairy products. Amino acids are the building blocks used to make proteins. This is why people that are feeding their chicken’s cooked rice/beans & CAT FOOD are now seeing an uptick in their egg production. Lysine is found in RICE and Methionine is found in Cat food. Also, Russia has banned the exporting of Lysine and there has been a shortage of it in the US since 2021. ANOTHER reason to stop putting it in the feed. I’m waiting on Mike Adams to report his findings on his testing of these feeds (Natural News-Health Ranger). He owns his own independent lab. So those wishing to debunk the chicken feed issue are wrong.

    Something else we need to pay attention to. Everyone knows the Mississippi River is at its lowest level ever. Barge traffic is at a bare minimum and can only transport light loads. They were dredging the river in places where NO BARGE traffic could navigate. My son is a journeyman Captain on a barge so he knows about the river conditions and said they (& other barge companies) have unloaded TONS & TONS of wheat & other grains that are sitting on the banks of the MS River that are on pallets & covered in tarps. MILES & MILES of huge stacks of wheat/grains. Watch for a major snow melt up north and flooding rains this spring. The MS River flows south & empties into the Gulf. The Army Corps of Engineers had to sandbag the mouth of the MS River to hold the water from emptying into the Gulf. What better way to destroy all that wheat/grain (that is desperately needed for our food & feed production) sitting on the dry banks of the MS River now than to create a major flood???? The US winter wheat crops were destroyed by the excessive cold/snow this year right at harvest time. No time to replant as weather conditions have not been conducive AND the shortage of seeds/fertilizer is either non-existent or unaffordable for some farmers to replant there may be no winter harvest at all. The last harvests of grains & wheat are sitting on the banks of the MS River. Imports are halted to the US from the major wheat/grain producing countries, the US$ will soon be a useless payment option since many countries are pulling out of US TRADE from the devaluation of the US$. This snowball is getting bigger & bigger and the rabbit hole is getting VEWWY VEWWY DEEP!! Just my take on what COULD and PROBABLY will happen.