Reply To: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    January 30, 2023 at 4:47 pm

    In the summertime, especially, I hang a bug zapper or two in my chicken yard. They zap ALL kinds of bugs for the chickens to eat, even tho they are not alive, they still eat them just the same.
    When sweeping the floor under my ftont/back porch lights there is always a few dead bugs I scoop up and take to my chickens. I also carry a small childs sand bucket in my gardening bucket when I’m working in the garden/yard. Any grub worms or other bugs (even those I squish) are put in that bucket to feed my chickens. They also love to forage any garden weeds you pull when weeding your footpaths or around other areas, even the grass clippings after you’ve mowed your lawn. THEY LOVE GREEN PLANTS and I’ve found if there are some they DON’T LIKE, they will scratch those aside. I’ve thrown armloads of weeds in my coops/runs and the chickens have a hay day and some even take their favorites and run with others chasing them for a taste. They normally have bugs of sorts in them as well which they peck out to eat. They REALLY love those big fat hornworms & grubs you may find and it is so comical to watch them scurry around trying to be the one to get the treats.