Reply To: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    January 30, 2023 at 5:15 am

    I raise meat rabbits but they are fed rabbit pellets & Timothy Hay & alfalfa along with greens & fruit. I don’t breed my rabbits during the winter nor the heat of our summers here in coastal AL. I will start back breeding in a few weeks once our crazy weather straightens out. Mine are housed in raised hutches with nesting boxes (for the does) permanently attached to the backs of their hutches.

    Interesting to hear you raising yours in a colony. I’ve only come across one other person in a rabbit group that has done that. They didn’t have a very ideal setup as her colony was enclosed in an area she let her ducks & chickens access. I think she had some bullying with the chickens or ducks because her rabbits kept trying to dig out and didn’t look very healthy, either. Do you mind if I ask about your setup? I’m in a very rural wooded area with a lot of predators so it may not be worth my efforts to try to change them to a more natural setting. I don’t like keeping them caged and on wire flooring.