Reply To: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    January 30, 2023 at 4:59 am

    I had heard this from another source. Is there any particular brand and I assume it is dry cat food. I’m ready to try ANYTHING at this point to just get ONE EGG from my 32 hens that aren’t even a year old yet. As I mentioned in an earlier post here mine were laying great up until the Christmas freeze but since then and me buying TSC feed in a hurry before the freeze to feed them I have gotten NOTHING. I switched back to their regular feed about 1.5 weeks ago and was going to go buy some higher protein feed (Game bird) tomorrow in hopes to boost them laying again. I can’t blame the freeze for them stopping laying as we’ve been back to the 60’s-70’s here in coastal AL for the most part with only a couple of other nights of freezing. Been raising chickens for many years and have never had this happen before. A slow down during a molt or shorter days but never a complete halt. I don’t use a light during the winter months to give my hens a rest so I really don’t wish to start that but will as a last resort.