Reply To: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

  • Woodsman

    January 30, 2023 at 1:30 am

    What exactly are you interpreting as confrontational? Friends are not fellow FreeSteading platform users or any other platform or use of any device should be an avenue to developing a friendship.

    Truth and facts matter to me here and everywhere. The “inner-world” (world wide web) isn’t my way of making a friend. Besides if you can’t handle truth and fact you are not my idea of a friend.

    As for #1A all forms of it are freedom of speech and how you interpret it is yours and yours alone. Like all forms of communication it will be interpreted differently by as many consumers that consume the communication. Your opinion may be different from others and yet the written word is the same.

    So I mirror back your message to me: Kitchen to hot? Get the hell out!