Reply To: The Sky is Streaked

  • Beachchic

    January 28, 2023 at 12:48 am

    Amplifying maybe…

    We’ve had very few days of sun shine this entire month I wrote it down we may have 5 or 6 not with my notebook at the moment. Our skies are always streaked, well thats not even the word for it because they are solid gray. We’ve had rain like crazy I’ve got an experiment going…set a 5 gallon bucket out Jan 1 and its 3/4 full of RAIN we’ve had 5 days of 60-62° 4 days of mid to high 50’s and the rest has been between the teens and 40’s. January and february is our coldest usually in the teens as the highs and most snow months…well use to be. Today was our second day of snow and it as just a dusting. We’ve moved more into the south weather, not complaining because God is in control but allergens and bugs are going to be attrocious because they are not being controlled with the cold.