Reply To: I need to start my own feed store

  • Texgal

    January 27, 2023 at 10:00 pm

    Yeah the “show” TSC sponsored was in Waco but they are doing them all over in Texas. I won’t get on my soapbox but I think the country as a whole is stronger economically when we support small businesses. When I researched TSC ownership, I just decided this was one area I could change.

    I’m looking for a co-op in the area and they are hard to find. Instead of opening my own store, I think I’m going to try to find a way to put together a small group co-op of sorts. Source the businesses in our local area that sell the bulk meat, feed and such and pull together the family and friends that want to be a part of that to share in the cost of obtaining those items together.

    I’d be interested in any advice your or any others have on the way to do this.