Reply To: I need to start my own feed store


    January 27, 2023 at 9:44 pm

    I’ve seen a couple of people get frustrated and start their own business and become successful. There is a little family owned hardware and farm business a few miles from me that doesn’t have prices on everything and some stuff is so old they have worn off. They have stuff you can’t find anywhere else even old parts for items no longer in production. I love that old country time feel and smell. TSC has been getting some bad publicity lately so i don’t go there much. I saw on u tube last night on (off grid with doug and stacy) that there is a certain poultry feed that TCS sells and people were complaining their chickens weren’t laying eggs anymore or not as much, but some other places sell that feed too. They also said that TSC sponsored some type of drag queen event in TX. I believe it was in Dallas. Do your own research to be sure. Maybe you can find a partner to go in business with you and with everybody wanting to be self sustaining and kind of off grid it might pay off. Best to ya.