Reply To: Feeding livestock in SHTF scenario, no feed or prices become unaffordable

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    January 24, 2023 at 5:35 pm

    Hi Christina, I wished I could help you with an answer but I don’t raise cows so I’m not really sure what is required for their diets. My parents raised them when I was a kid but that was too many years ago for me to remember what they ate other than grazing the pastures and feed, but I couldn’t tell you what it was. One thing I do remember was that our pastures had some Coffee Weeds (that popped up from somewhere, probably from birds dropping seeds) and it turned our milk very bitter, Mom couldn’t even make butter with it. With that being said there may be some types of cover crops or other food supplements that might not be suitable for milk cows that beef cows can or can’t eat.
    I have seen a recent video with Danny on Deep South Homestead mention he had planted red clover as a cover crop that his Dexter cows LOVE to graze but I don’t think they milk their cows. I know they also planted kale and other greens as cover crops for winter grazing (and for soil amendments) but the Christmas freeze killed all those.
    Maybe someone else will respond to this question that raises dairy/milk cows that will help you.
    This is one of the reasons I LOVE FREESTEADING as everyone (that is an active participant here) will jump in and help out others when needed.