Reply To: Dairy homestead animals: Cow vs. Goats

  • Ozark-kat

    December 29, 2022 at 5:59 pm

    My brother has goats—8 with two more on the way. You need GOOD fences. They are escape artists and smart. We have seen the buck raise up, stand on the top of the fence and let everyone out. He also lifts up the fence to let them out. My brother can’t keep them contained (at the moment). His year-end bonus will be spent on electric fencing.

    They have eaten my garden, flowers, and lounge on my patio furniture. They climb all over our cars and have damaged the paint on all three. The worst is, they love our front porch. Instead of sleeping in their shed, they sleep on our porch. I can’t tell you the mess they make and the smell is getting worse. Heaven help those who come to our front door before we have a chance to clean up.

    On the good side, they are browsers and have cleared all the brush under and around our trees (looks nice).

    Our neighbor’s cows (yrs ago) kept getting out as well. They will test the fencing. These cows ate our corn. But that’s all I know about cows.

    Hate to be so negative, but these are the problems I’ve encountered, but remember the adage, “Good fences make good neighbors”. These are solvable problems.

    Good luck!