Reply To: Cold or Frigid?

  • 4MFarms

    December 24, 2022 at 12:02 am

    frigid here in SW Missouri…yesterday Thursday temps -9* wind chill -35* and the winds were howling…I placed deep shavings into the chicken coops and kept them inside…the goats had shelter and used it even during the day…horses had blankets on, but stayed outside chomping on hay…most of the cows stayed outside eating their hay too…our dog stays in his igloo, but because he is short haired I brought him inside our basement…today temps rose to 5* and the wind had slowed down…all is well…no frozen pipes…our UTV started…yippee, but our diesel P/U won’t keep running…thinking the fuel has gelled?

    I totally forgot to mention I am experimenting with an unheated greenhouse…it was 12* at 6a.m. but, as soon as the sun came out it rose quickly to 42*…the outside temps were -5* real temps so that’s not too bad…I am hoping fruit trees that can’t take 10* and lower might make it next year in this greenhouse with a small amount of heat.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by  4MFarms.