Reply To: Food for Thought — Limited Supplies

  • JerseyGiantChick

    December 20, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    With heirloom you got to find the right ones and grow them generations to let them adapt. Keeping them from cross breeding, takes a lot of distance, barrier, covering and work. You can see Deep South Homestead there experience, those seeds are gone. For them to mutch work to back breeding, time will find out if it is possible to breed the back by hard selection. That is how gene banks growers do that with the couple seeds left, if not it is all lost. But it takes years growing and selecting, to get them stable enough so you and others are able to buy them in a couple years and keep buying them.

    So treasure the growers that are doing these hard work , to preserve for you all and next generations.

    Look up the story from the Russia gene bank, they are true heroes and gave their lives for the preservation of all those seeds, bulbs and plants. And years of hard work from the gene banks, a part is saved in that world gene bank to.