Reply To: Food for Thought — Limited Supplies

  • JerseyGiantChick

    December 19, 2022 at 6:10 am

    Did you read all I have written, there are so many farmers and biogas Anlage here. They will not switch to this old way, even if they wanted to. The hybrids business and machinery business will not letting them, they will just nit be able to.

    We grow old heirloom breeds for gene banks, and the hybrids business let us because they use the old breeds to make new hybrids. We are no competition to there business, and our work is so mutch more and less it will give than hybrids. Also with old bushes and trees, fruit and nuts you name it.

    I believe in old breeds, beacause they are created by God and not man made. That is why I support growing old heirloom breeds, to protect for the next generations. And I can tell you it costs, it is not my work.