Reply To: Best places to get Herbalist training?

  • Hen

    August 28, 2022 at 3:02 am

    II have been collecting weed seeds. There was a big vacant lot next to my apt. complex. There are lots of weeds there. I want to save seeds. I ordered the once lost book but I cannot tell if what I hazve is for sure. Would you be azble to identify these weeds if I take pictures? Is there somewhere I can send the pictures. Many are going to seed. I DON’T want to eat the wrong thing. I could pay you a little for your time. Thank you! With fertilizer being in short supply and not being like Danny without any Pharma, my pee is worthless. Weeds can grow in the poorest soil with little to no water. And they have great nutritional value. I think I may have LAMB’S quarter, milk those, and a couple others I have no clue what they are. I am in Northern Utah. I know I have dandelions, wild lettuce, Purslane and others I cannot think of right now. Thank you so much!