Reply To: Bible and Prepping

  • CarolinaCarefree

    October 18, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    I can relate to this. I work with a guy that is the only one in a house of nine that is working. Well at least for the house. His daughter has a job and gets gov help for her three kids (all under 6). But she pays no bills and writes her name on her food so no one else can have it. At least two sons have no jobs at all, because $11 /hr at Hardee’s (walking distance from their house) is not enough. Enough details you get the idea. But what gets me, he complains about needing money all the time, so our boss tries hard to get him at least 40 hrs a week (work is slowing down) and many times he can get an hour or two of over time per week. The leaves early or right at regular time. It’s sad because I use to try to help him when I first meet him. But I have learned in this case you can’t help someone that doesn’t or will not help themselves. They will complain that I need food and then complain that you gave them something they don’t like. Listen to the Still Small Voice and He will guide you as to who to help and who not.