Reply To: Berkey Water Filter System !

  • culdesacgrocerygarden

    October 15, 2022 at 3:49 pm

    In the past I have found one of those channels you mentioned to be a little untrustworthy. I wont call the channel out by name but there has been a fair bit of drama with it, and some of their content has seemed sensationalized for views. I followed some of their advice about a product early on and ended up wasting a lot of money on a product that looks pretty in the pantry but does NOT do a good job. The other channel you mentioned I have never heard of. But I DO trust Danny and Wanda. I have had an Alexa Pure for almost 2 years now and we can taste and smell the difference. I have seen videos where you test the filter by putting red food dye in the water and it comes out clear. I havent done that myself but I trust the old guy I watched that was testing his water to see if his filter was worn out. And it was worn out because the water was pink, then he put in a new filter and the water came out clear. So the previous poster is right, it does come down to a matter of trust.