Reply To: Berkey Water Filter System !

  • theIAMofMEinTN

    October 14, 2022 at 8:12 pm

    I started using Zero Water filters about 4 years ago. I still have two Berkey’s with filters put away. I replaced them with the Zero Filters. I LOVE them. According to some tests Mike Adams (Health Ranger) did in his lab…Zero water filters even get roundup out of your water. That was it for me. Plus, when I would test the water with a TDS meter, Berkey was like 20 something. So, I will keep my Berkeys for SHTF water situation. But, the final filter will always be with the Zero filter. I have enough filters put back for 3 years.

    I also didn’t like the fact that my Berkey filters started stopping up only after a week of use. They say you can clean them…peel them…I had heard and tried everything. For the cost of a set of 2 plain black filters without the white flouride filters that don’t last long at all….I can buy a years worth of zero filters and they actually WORK. Like I said, I’ll keep my Berkey’s for emergencies. They will not be my last filter though. Zero will. Because I want ZERO particles of anything in my water.