Reply To: Berkey Water Filter System !

  • Summerhat-n-Chicks

    October 14, 2022 at 2:45 am

    So, okay, I’ve sat down tonight and done some research on the water filter issue and here’s what I found . Both, ProOne and Berkey filter systems were tested in the same Environtek Lab. Documents/test results, for a set of extensive test from both are available and they don’t look that much different neither are the procedures.

    But Berkey, in addition was scrutinized by the Department of Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures of California.

    So, did I get suckered in by a quick emotional response to the video ?! 🙄 Guess I need to go back and watch all 4 (or 5?) videos if it is actually about more than the 3000gal claim.

    I found a lot on both companies and in the end was a bit confused about the hype, but then Natural News was mentioned and guess what, Mike Adams did his own tests of several Water Filtration systems in 2014 and in his Conclusion he recommends only two gravity Filter Systems : Big Berkey and Zen Water Systems, ProOne was in third place. Did those filters change that much in the last 8 years ? I don’t know, but what I do know, I trust him probably more than any other testing site/report of a “Best “ list. _Berkey_water_filter_ProPur_lab _testa.html