Reply To: Berkey Water Filter System !

  • SuziesCorner

    October 13, 2022 at 10:12 pm

    I’m in a Telegram group called MMS Drinking Buddies. MMS requires clean or distilled water. Many ran tests. Both Berkey and AlexaPure eliminated only a third of the particles. (I have the AlexaPure as an emergency gravity fed.) The Zero Water and the AquaPure systems showed zero particles after processing. I bought the latter’s 10yr whole house system to replace a current 10yr system that doesn’t work. But I’m waiting still to get it installed. So I don’t have a review for it. The AquaPure 10yrs has filters and such to buy. I decided to buy a 5yr supply of filters and uv light, just in case the company disappears (ya never know these days, eh).