Reply To: Ideas for heating a greenhouse

  • KimC

    October 12, 2022 at 11:59 pm

    I saw two YT videos on this subject a while back. One was a guy who piled all his leaves and any others he could get hold of all along the entire outside of his structure (except in front of the door), right up against it. Piled high. He said it insulated well enough through the winter to keep from freezing and created its own heat from composting, and they even got some snow at one point where he was located. Can’t remember the channel name, sorry, but you might be able to search and find it with key words.

    The second one was from a YT channel called Plant Abundance. He plugged in a simple, small water distilling unit in his and let it do double duty. The heat generated from the distilling unit was enough to keep his structure above freezing, and he got the water he wanted as a result too. He experimented and found that he only needed to increase the ambient inside temperature a small amount. I can’t remember how many degrees it was, but it didn’t require a huge difference for his plants to be okay.