Reply To: Ideas for heating a greenhouse

  • BiggKidd

    October 12, 2022 at 1:26 am

    If you have access to regular power you can run dual elements AC from the power grid for extended cloudy times and DC & solar for the rest of the time. But really the idea here is to use a large enough storage tank to hold enough heat for that week of cloudy weather. A Decommissioned propane tank would be ideal and cheap. Insulate it with closed cell foam and paint that black. Insulate your pipes going in and between beds well. A buried and insulated tank would hold heat even better. Open or closed loop doesn’t much matter as long as your water temperature stays below boiling and above freezing. All of your pumps and such can be low draw DC pumps with long life. You don’t need to move a lot of water fast you want to move a little water SLOWLY so the heat exchanges.