Reply To: Ideas for heating a greenhouse

  • Beachchic

    October 12, 2022 at 12:41 am

    My greenhouse is 10 x 15, Ive looked into using water storage as my heat that would be ideal for a few reasons Ive even considered a fish tank as part of my holding tank but due to my layout the fishtank route would be my only way and even then it wouldnt be my best optionbecause it would take up a lot of growing space. The radiant heat would be a very good option but the problem is we just redid the block and hubby says that is a no go because we would have to jackhammer the floor and mess up the block. We have a friend that has radiant heat and it is amazing how well it works, it runs off their woodburner and it heats their house and humongus garage so well and doesnt use much wood at all. If only I would have had my wheels turning last summer.