Reply To: Ideas for heating a greenhouse

  • SunshineKid-GardenCoach

    October 11, 2022 at 11:09 pm

    I know electric for people off grid is not an option but I have used C9 Christmas lights in my small 8×16 hobby greenhouse for heat in the winter. When we had the Suri Snowmaggedon storm in 2021 in Texas, we got down to 9 degrees in southeast Texas with snow and ice for about 4 days. I had a 1/2 inch sheet of ice on the roof of my greenhouse and the doors froze shut but everything inside stayed warm and toasty. There is no electricity to the greenhouse but it is close enough to some outside outlets on the house that I was able to run an outdoor electric cord and plug in the lights. Used two 25 count light strings hung from the ceiling braces.